
domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

La Subpoena de los Federales a Miguel Muñoz y Compañía

Esta es una cita de la subpoena de los federales a la Universidad de Puerto Rico debido al caso de la National Science Foundation (los nombres han sido omitidos por ahora).

1. For all federal awards and contracts administratively managed by the University of Puerto Rico’s Resource Center for Science and Ingeneering (RSCE), to include the following agencies: NSF, NASA, Departament of Education (Ed), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Defense (DOD) and all of its agencies, and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the National Institute of Health (NIH):

Complete general ledger award funds received and all costs incurred in the performance of the award to date
A ledger of all salary expenses charged to the award, specifically listing each individual expense by recipient, date and amount paid; and
All documentation supporting salary expenses, including but not limited to: time and effort reports and personnel action notices reports reflecting salary rates.

2. Any and all documentation (including but not limited to employment contracts and/or agreements, memoranda, and cancelled checks) demostrating compensations paid, including salary, bonus payments from federal awards and contracts, payment from matching funds, payment from indirect costs, and incidental payments, to individuals employed at the RCSE, formerly employed at the RCSE, and all principal investigators and co-principals investigators whose federal awards and contracts were administratively managed by the RCSE, including but not limited to the following indivuduals:


Any and all email communications, memoranda, letters, and any other forms of correspondence, regarding salary, compensation, incidental payments, bonus payments, and payments from federal awards and contracts, to and/or from individuals employed at the RCSE and/or principal investigators and co-principal investigators whose awards and contracts were administratively managed by the RCSE, to include but not limited to those individuals listed in Item 2 above.

2 comentarios:

  1. Uno lo que tiene ganas es de blasfemar y romper algo. Uno empieza a entender al Che.

  2. Desconocido, ya yo blasfemé. Ahora estoy buscando algo que romper.


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