Descárguelo completo, GRATIS y legalmente oprimiendo AQUÍ.
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter. It's a team game; you will win or fall along with your comrades. The only way to complete the objectives that lead to victory is by cooperation, with each player covering their teammates and using their class special abilities in concert with the others.
Featuring multiplayer support for as many as 64 players, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory challenges gamers to the ultimate test of teamwork and strategy. Each of the five character classes is critical to a team's ultimate victory or defeat on the battlefield. The Covert Operative class allows players to steal uniforms, perform reconnaissance and gain access to enemy positions.
While, the Engineer allows the Axis and Allied teams to lay and diffuse mines as well as build battlefield bridges, towers, forward command bases and other improvements in the midst of combat to gain advantages for their team.
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory further online players the option to slug it out in the intense Team Last-Man-Standing game mode, where squad-mates cooperate to ensure their team has the last surviving man on the battlefield.
Mejor que W:ET, recomiendo a True Combat Elite (T:CE). TCE es lo que llaman un "mod" o una modificacion de Wolfenstein y tambien es completamente gratis. Tiene mejores graficas y es mas real el combate.
ResponderBorrarEl juego tambien esta disponible para Mac y para PC. Consiguen la modificacion aqui: http://www.truecombatelite.net/
Great Tovi. Se fastidió mi productividad.
ResponderBorrarvas a votar por mi?
ResponderBorrarOye Edwin,
ResponderBorrarQue te parece si nos ponemos a hacer un mod de WET que se llame Rozeyo: Enemy of the Territory...
Cambiamos las caras de los enemigos del juego por facsímiles razonables de ciertos políticos del país...
Estoy seguro que eso nos ayudaría a liberar el estrés político casi completamente
ResponderBorrarEse es el tipo de idea que este país necesita. Y lo digo en serio. Se me hace la boca agua. Tengo mi super duper gun, estoy en una esquina...escucho pasos ...me asomo y lo veo...es...entonces se escuchan múltiples disparos...sanidad mental total...